Multiple if-else branches
If-else statement: Fix errors.
Re type the code and fix any errors. The code should convert negative numbers to 0.
if (userNum >= 0) printf("Non-negative\n"); else printf("Negative; converting to 0\n"); userNum = 0; printf("Final: %d\n", userNum);
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int userNum = 0; if (userNum >= 0){ printf("Non-negative\n"); } else{ printf("Negative; converting to 0\n"); userNum = 0; } printf("Final: %d\n", userNum); return 0; }
Multiple branch If-else statement: Print century.
Write an if-else statement with multiple branches. If givenYear is 2100 or greater, print “Distant future” (without quotes). Else, if givenYear is 2000 or greater (2000-2099), print “21st century”. Else, if givenYear is 1900 or greater (1900-1999), print “20th century”. Else (1899 or earlier), print “Long ago”. Do NOT end with newline.
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int givenYear = 0; givenYear = 1776; if(givenYear >= 2100){printf("Distant future"); } else if(givenYear >= 2000){printf("21st century"); } else if(givenYear >= 1900){printf("20th century"); } else {printf("Long ago"); } return 0; }
Multiple if statements: Print car info.
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int carYear = 0; carYear = 1940; if(carYear <= 1969){printf("Probably has few safety features.\n"); } if(carYear >= 1970){printf("Probably has seat belts.\n"); } if(carYear >= 1990){printf("Probably has anti-lock brakes.\n"); } if(carYear >= 2000){printf("Probably has air bags.\n"); } return 0; }