A first linked list

Linked list negative values counting.

Assign negativeCntr with the number of negative values in the linked list, including the list head.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct IntNode_struct {
 int dataVal;
 struct IntNode_struct* nextNodePtr;
} IntNode;

// Constructor
void IntNode_Create(IntNode* thisNode, int dataInit, IntNode* nextLoc) {
 thisNode->dataVal = dataInit;
 thisNode->nextNodePtr = nextLoc;

/* Insert newNode after node.
 Before: thisNode -- next
 After: thisNode -- newNode -- next
void IntNode_InsertAfter(IntNode* thisNode, IntNode* newNode) {
 IntNode* tmpNext = NULL;

tmpNext = thisNode->nextNodePtr; // Remember next
 thisNode->nextNodePtr = newNode; // this -- new -- ?
 newNode->nextNodePtr = tmpNext; // this -- new -- next

// Grab location pointed by nextNodePtr
IntNode* IntNode_GetNext(IntNode* thisNode) {
 return thisNode->nextNodePtr;

int IntNode_GetDataVal(IntNode* thisNode) {
 return thisNode->dataVal;

int main(void) {
 IntNode* headObj = NULL; // Create intNode objects
 IntNode* currObj = NULL;
 IntNode* lastObj = NULL;
 int i = 0; // Loop index
 int negativeCntr = 0;

headObj = (IntNode*)malloc(sizeof(IntNode)); // Front of nodes list
 IntNode_Create(headObj, -1, NULL);
 lastObj = headObj;

for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { // Append 10 rand nums
 currObj = (IntNode*)malloc(sizeof(IntNode));
 IntNode_Create(currObj, (rand() % 21) - 10, NULL);
 IntNode_InsertAfter(lastObj, currObj); // Append curr
 lastObj = currObj; // Curr is the new last item

currObj = headObj; // Print the list
 while (currObj != NULL) {
 printf("%d, ", IntNode_GetDataVal(currObj));
 currObj = IntNode_GetNext(currObj);

currObj = headObj; // Count number of negative numbers
 while (currObj != NULL) {

 if(currObj->dataVal() < 0) {
 negativeCntr = negativeCntr + 1;

currObj = IntNode_GetNext(currObj);
 printf("Number of negatives: %d\n", negativeCntr);

return 0;